This apparatus is especially designed for use in Newton’s ring experiment. The rings can be produced and measured in the space of a few minutes.
The entire apparatus is self-contained except for the light source.
It consists of a micrometer driven travelling microscope, which is integrated with the Newton’s rings’ set up.
An optically worked reflecting glass is mounted above the Newton’s rings’ set up, at an angle of 450.
When light from a sodium lamp falls on this glass which is inclined at 45° to the horizontal, it gets reflected, and then falls normally on the convex lens placed over the glass plate.
A system of bright and dark concentric circular rings is observed through the travelling microscope which is arranged vertically above the glass plate.
The microscope is properly focused so that alternate bright and dark concentric circular rings are observed more clearly.
Accurate Measurements are then taken from the precision micrometer of the travelling microscope.
Newton`s Ring apparatus is an ideal platform to understand the wave nature of light.
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