- Rotary switch for selections of different input voltage & linearity coil for AC.
- Bridge rectifier to convert AC into DC
- DC filtration circuit is given to filter the impurities is. AC components.
- High frequency transformer and high frequency transistor (BU 508) for switching action.
- Feed back/ comparator circuit to maintain output voltage constant I.e. +10% on load.,
- Two meters are provided on the front panel to measure the DC voltage & current.
- Two Bulb holders are mounted on the front panel to connect resistive (bulb) load across the output.
- Fuse for Short Circuit protection
- Front panel built with high class insulated Printed Circuit Board sheet with well printed circuits and symbols.
- Instruction manual.
- Patch Cords 4mm.
- High Voltage Test Points are Provided With 4mm Safety Sockets
- The trainer is housed in Plastic cabinet.
- Size of the trainer set 12″X10″
Power Supplies:
- Power Supply 180-200-220-240V, 150VA
- DC Power Supply +5V, 1A
- DC Power Supply +15V, 1A
- DC Power Supply -15V, 250mA
- Operated on Mains power 230V, 50Hz +10%
Components are mounted on the panels are:
- Digital Meter (For Voltage and Current)
- Socket for Output
- Low Voltage Bulb as Load
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